Friday, May 16, 2014

Pool/Beach Bag MUST Haves For Face & Body

Hello loves! It's finally summertime and I am oooh-so happy. I love everything about summer- the beach, warm sun, cute bathing suits, and beach wavy hair. I spend a lot of time at the pool catching rays, so I have developed the must haves to carry with you for the pool/beach that you most likely have at home! So convenient...

A peek inside my pool bag must haves:

1. Water spritzer. I fill a water spritzer up with cold water with ice cubes when I lay out at the pool or even in my backyard. Whenever I find myself getting too sweaty, I easily spritz myself with the water to cool down. You can also use green tea as well. Green tea has soothing properties that can actually help your skin! Just diffuse tea into hot water, chill it, and put it into the spritz bottle. This is especially good for the face. (Even when you are not laying out, green tea works as a great face refresher throughout the day... especially when it's hot out.)

2. SPF 30+ sunblock for face & body. Non-comedogenic and oil-free, of course! (Acne-prone readers...)

3. Cucumber water. I love to drink cucumber water because it is so refreshing, especially on a hot day! It's so important to remain hydrated while in the sun. The cucumber in the water also helps your skin because of its skin loving vitamins and minerals. The best part is-- when you have finished the water, take the cucumber slices out and lay them on your face. The cucumber can soothe the sunburn on your face and refresh it as well. It's almost rejuvenating.

Here are just a few of my must haves when in the sun. Remember to protect your skin while laying out! Your skin will be happy. :)

Hope you all are having a fabulous summer and have fun! Will post soon...

Relax and enjoy,

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