Monday, April 7, 2014

C'mon Honey, Put Some Honey on Your Face!

I love honey. Honey is a great sweetener to put on anything- oatmeal, english muffins, cereal... and the list goes on. Now here's something new you can put honey on: your face! 

Honey is fabulous for skin, especially for acne and wrinkles. Honey is a natural antibacterial, so it's great for treating and preventing acne. Honey opens up pores and cleans whatever gunk is in there. It is full of antioxidants so it is great for your skin's complexion making it glow and plump. The antioxidants also help prevent wrinkles and slow down aging. Convinced yet? Honey is also super moisturizing! Super sweet. (No pun intended)

Honey is probably already in your kitchen, so no need to go out and buy it. If for any reason you do not have it, go make a trip to the grocery store and buy some. Pure honey (like the picture below) should do the trick. You won't regret it.
Facial instructions: Apply a thin layer to the face. I leave it on for a good amount of time, maybe around 45 minutes. I apply this mask for all three reasons I listed above: to moisturize, help my acne, and for anti-aging. The benefits are endless.

We can all thank the bees.

Thank you bees,

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