Thursday, February 13, 2014

Cystic Pimples... Do's & Don'ts

Cystic pimples: the most painful pimple on the planet. These things hurt. Most people mistake them for normal pimples that can be easily popped. Newsflash: it's harder than you think.

Cystic pimples are "underground" pimples that are beneath the skin and are very sore. If you try to pop the underground pimple, it will actually make it worse and more sore. I remember when I had these, I would try and pop them and that was the worst mistake I could have made. It actually throbs in pain. Ugh.

You can tell if its a cystic pimple if it is hard to the touch, very painful, and no sign of whitehead. The best thing you can do is DO NOT try and pop it. Just don't touch it. My friend had one recently and thought she would try to squeeze it as hard as she could to see if she could pop it. Long story short, she quickly regretted it.

Whenever I have a cystic pimple, I really like to do warm compresses. I put a towel under hot water, and place it on my pimple until the towel gets cold again. Then I reapply the hot water and do it again. It helps bring the pimple to a head. Also, ice cubes on the pimple bring the redness and size down. Both hot & cold remedies work best for cystic pimples. Also, put good pimple medicine on it. I really like Neutrogena Rapid Clear Sore Pimple Gel. It really does the trick for me.

Take that pain away,

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