Sunday, February 2, 2014

Breakout No-No's

Having a breakout is one of the worst feelings in the world. I remember I used to have really bad breakouts in high school- so bad I didn't want to go to school. Even though my mom said it wasn't that bad, it was bad to me. I just wanted it to go away! After many attempts to zap away my breakout quick, I learned what worked, and what didn't. No breakout is healed overnight, it all comes with patience.

First, please promise me that you will not pick at your face! You know how I feel about that... it's very bad. You can make the breakout worse. Leave it alone and let it heal. Secondly, drink lots of water. Drinking plenty of water is always the best solution. Also, try not to stress! Whenever I get really stressed out, I breakout. Relax, take deep breaths, drink tea and get plenty of rest.

Also, don't overkill it. Don't get obsessive with the face masks, topical treatments, zip zappers, and so on. I recommend maybe doing one mask, but then leave it alone after that. One time I did like 4 masks during a breakout and it made it so much worse. Your skin needs to heal and repair itself naturally. Face washing is only necessary twice daily. 

Try to keep low on the makeup too. The more layering of makeup, the more pimples to come. 

Stay calm & breakout free,

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