Saturday, January 4, 2014

Don't Pick At Your Face! But If You Really Can't Help It...

I know resisting to pop a pimple is the hardest thing someone can do. I can't even resist it sometimes when it's right in front of me, ready to go. So, I am going to try and advise you to NOT pick at your face. If you are still not going to listen to me, then I have some advice to help bring down the mess that you cause on your face when you actually do it.

Touching/Picking Your Face Basics:
So if you really have a burning desire to pick at your face, make sure to at least wash your hands before! Put your hands under warm water, use soap, the whole shabang. When you go at your face with dirty fingers, you can actually cause more pimples to form on your face from the bacteria and oils from your hands. So you're actually doing more harm then good. Clean fingers are always a better scenario.

If you want to go a step above that and be more hygienic to your face, wash your hands then cover your fingers with a tissue or with cotton pads (like the picture below) so your fingers won't even touch your face! How good does that sound?
Make sure when you pop the pimple, you look to see that it has a whitehead. That is the biggest indicator that it is ready to be popped. Trust me, if there is not head, don't even bother. You attempting to push it up will actually be doing the opposite- you will be pushing the dirt further into the pore and that can lead to an infection. If you do end up popping the pimple (successfully, that is), always put some astringent on the open pore afterwards so it does not get infected. Then, follow up with an ice cube to ease the redness or put some pimple medicine on it. Done and done. 

Those are the necessary steps to successfully pop a READY pimple. If you can resist, that is probably your best option. My skin has been so much clearer when I decided to stop picking at my face. 


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