It seems like everything I see in cosmetic stores nowadays looks like a bad breakout waiting to happen. The heavy foundations, the oily bb creams... I'm usually too hesitant to try them. Don't get me wrong, I've had my fair share of different cosmetics, but I always felt like my skin would get worse after a day of wearing them. About a year ago I learned the skin phrase that would save my skin forever... It's called non-comedogenic. Sounds pretty scientific, but I'll simply it for you. When a cosmetic says it's non-comedogenic, it means that it is formulated to not cause blocked pores. In other words, it won't cause pimples :) How much better can that get?
Ever since I heard of this beautiful phrase, I immediately bought myself a face lotion and bb cream that was non-comedogenic. After this change, my skin has been so much better. I think it truly is a miracle. Most people don't know what products can break you out or not, so it's important to look if non-comedogenic is anywhere on the bottle. Also, pay close attention to the ingredients. Unfortunately, not all skin products are skin friendly. Sad, sad world.
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